Is your story on pause?
We all are living out a story. It’s one being written
from heaven by our Creator. If you want your story to count with God, if you
want Him to be involved in writing your story, then you have to engage God with your faith.
If you don’t believe, your life is on pause.
It’s not just a matter of believing in God, either. We must believe what He tells us enough to obey Him ... trust Him enough to act on what He has said.
Just as we can pause an audio or video recording and come
back to it at an indefinite time in the future, so our lives, if they are
devoid of faith, are in pause mode, at least as far as heaven is concerned.
If you look at the stories that occurred when Jesus walked
the earth, you will be struck by the happy endings seen there. You don’t read very often about people who came to him with needs and then refused to believe Him. Apparently,
if they were such incidences, they didn’t get much ink in the Gospel accounts.
What we do see is people who struggled with trusting God,
but decided to believe in spite of their struggles. They are the ones we hear
about, even millennia later. Their stories are still being told and they dominate the pages of the New Testament.
People like Jairus, who continued to believe and refused to
fear when he was told his daughter was dead; people like Zaccheus, who knew he
was a sinner but accepted Jesus’ love and forgiveness; people like Blind
Bartimaeus, who wouldn’t take no for an answer but kept calling out for God’s
mercy so he could see again.
There is a passing reference to an episode in Jesus’
hometown when people were full of unbelief because they thought he was just “one
of them,” so He couldn’t do any mighty miracles there. (Not would not, but could not, because of their lack of faith.)
The stories of those who would not believe don’t make the
press because there isn’t much to tell. They were at a dead end, an impasse. God
wanted to write their story, too, but He couldn’t because they refused to believe
Without faith it is impossible to please God. But with
faith, all things are possible.
Don't let your life be on pause. When God is the author of your story, glorious things can be written that make heaven glad.